Improving Access to Point of Care Testing through Sound Science & Regulatory Reform


Coalition for CLIA Waiver Reform

1227 25th St NW, Suite 700WashingtonDC 20037

(202) 861-1891

Get Involved

The CLIA Waiver process will not change without our combined and focused efforts to increase understanding about the value of CLIA-waived testing, and the need to go back to the correct interpretation of law.

If you care about this issue the way we do - whether you are a physician or patient, a medical association; a patient advocacy group; a diagnostics company; a lab; a legislator; or any other member of the public who cares about getting better point of care testing - please contact us to learn more about what you can do.

This 2-page synopsis provides useful background information about the CLIA waiver conundrum, and how to fix it.